WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook services are down for almost all users all over the world. A few users have taken to Twitter to report the end of these platforms. At the time of writing this article, all three services have been displaying a refreshing error. While WhatsApp did not send or receive messages, Instagram shows "could not update feed." Similarly, a Facebook page takes a permanent load.

Downdetector confirms that there are problems on WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook platforms.

Update: A Facebook spokesman sent an email to India Today Tech with a statement about the power outage, "We know some people have trouble accessing our apps and products. We're working on getting things back to normal as soon as possible, and we apologize for any inconvenience."

Marcus Hutchins, a well-known cybersecurity expert on Twitter with the MalwareTech handle, has ruled out a possible cyber attack worldwide. In a tweet, MalwareTech states, "Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp are all down due to the error of setting up BGP, which means it's only a matter of time before someone writes a screenshot of a pew pew map claiming to be a cyber attack on the earth. all of them. "

In a statement like this, WhatsApp posted on Twitter acknowledging the end of this, "We know that some people are experiencing problems with WhatsApp right now. We are working on getting things back to normal and we will post an update here as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience!"

According to Downdetector data, WhatsApp users report issues with the app and messaging. The Downdetector website displays approximately 9,000 WhatsApp crash reports.

Speaking on Instagram, Downdetector, a website that tracks services and websites, shows that there are about 8,000 users who have reported issues. This problem is said to be close to the server connection. Similarly, Facebook service logs were reported by an estimated 4,000 people in Downdetector and a problem with service claims related to website, app, and server connections.

While it may be too early to say, this seems to be a problem around the DNS server down. An update request posted on Facebook or Instagram on a website or app comes out as a closing time. We will wait to hear from Facebook about the power outage and will review a copy.

An official social media official on Instagram also wrote on Twitter, "Instagram and friends are having a hard time right now, and you may have problems using them. Bear us, we are on it! #Instagramdown."

For now the solution said by the company is that they will solve issue ASAP.